

  • W,S,A,D - Movement
  • E - Interact


  • Make ordered coffees by mixing the right set of ingredients
    • To see the ingredients and learn a bit about the drink hover your mouse over the drink icon in the next order area
  • To make a coffee, first interact with the wall of cups to pick up a new cup, then interact with the correct set of machines to mix the drink
    • Once the cup is full it will automatically mix
    • If you make the wrong drink or want to get rid of what you are holding, interact with the sink
  • Once you have made the drink, interact with the front counter by the screen to submit the coffee
  • In future versions the machines will need to be refilled to be used, although the consumption mechanic is not yet implemented you can still pick up refills and put them into the machines

A Work in Progress:

This is a side project of mine, and it's nowhere near done, but the core works, so it's live to be played around with. You'll notice that even the drinks mentioned in the About section aren't in the live game yet, but I promise they are coming. Next few updates should introduce some progression, more drinks, consumable resources for the machines, and some much needed quality of life improvements to provide information on what each machine does.

About a month ago I was at the airport when I decided to grab a quick coffee. I'd recently been given a Starbucks giftcard so I figured I could use it. But standing in line I had a realization: I had no idea what half the stuff on the menu meant. What's the difference between an Americano and an Americano Misto? What exactly is a Flat White? So, I figured I'd learn them by making a game, and so the idea for Coffee Shop was born.

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